Jumping Back In

I work in a school, so I've been just a wee bit distracted these past few weeks. I just hate it when I don't have time to be creative! But the opportunities to WRITE and CREATE simply ebb and flow throughout the year. Being realistic about my free time is critical to my level of contentment.

So, instead of whining and complaining about not having time to blog, I'm just going to jump back into it as if to un-push a big, red "pause" button...like I was never gone! And nothing says "JUMP" like David Lee Roth. Scratch that. Nothing says "JUMP" like a pair of oh-so-classic Chuck Taylor All-Stars!

Did you know you can go online and design your own? My mom gave my daughter a gift card to do just that on her birthday this year. She designed a crazy pair of shoes and they arrived last week. Check them out.
Apparently these are the double-hi-tops so she had a blast choosing different colors for all of the different panels and eyelets and laces. I didn't get a photo of the inside lining, but that part is black-and-white zebra! So cool.

My girl's definitely an all-star...now she's got the shoes to prove it.