Such Character

My husband and daughter recently went to Disneyworld without me. I had to work and pouted a lot, but I was secretly glad for them. We love vacationing in Disneyworld so it's really hard to be the one to sit it out!

What I do appreciate, though, is hearing all of their stories. Ashley said she went on Tower of Terror ten times, Rock-n-Roller Coaster 12 times, and Expedition Everest 7 times (in a row...barf). They spent some time in the Disney animation part at Disney-Hollywood Studios and brought me home some drawings.

I love this Pooh bear drawing.

Everyone loves Minnie.

Isn't it interesting how one Donald Duck looks slightly different from...

...another Donald Duck.

No matter what, Tigger always looks cute.

But this Tinkerbell bears a striking resemblance to Angelina Jolie.

The Tink pictured below saved loads of money on collagen injections.

Jiminy Cricket isn't easy either. Does anyone else think this one looks like Morgan Freeman?

And don't forget Buzz Lightyear. For such a simple figure, he seems tough to draw.

Even though we're not going to get rich hand-animating for Disney, these are still really fun. Most of all, I'm glad my Disney travelers are home safe and sound because I love them to infinity....and beyond!