Paris - Day Six

We had big plans for our sixth day so we started with a good breakfast in the hotel lobby.

After breakfast, we took the metro to Porte de Clingancourt station for a guided walking tour of the Paris Flea and Antiques Market, Les Puces de Paris Saint-Ouen, Saint-Ouen 93400. For my birthday, my sister purchased us a guided tour. This is a great way to navigate the flea markets if you've never been there before. Without our guide it would have been a little overwhelming. But once our guide shared her tips and tricks and led us through some of her favorite areas, we were able to maximize our time and experience the best of the markets. Photography is not allowed in most of the stalls so I can only share a few images here. There was one other woman in our small tour group; she had traveled from Israel to celebrate her fiftieth birthday and attended the same concert we had enjoyed the night before!

My favorite booth featured exquisite papier-mâché art.
Photo taken with permission from the artist.

These loose blocks of wood sound like the clip-clop of horse hooves when you walk on them
After we scoured the flea markets, we took the metro from Anvers station to Montmartre. It was very hot and crowded so we stopped to buy water and take a bathroom break at Prêt a Manger, 3 Rue de Steinkerque, 75018, before starting our climb. We made our way up the hill to Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre and back down again enjoying the street art and shops.

Paul/Art and Design, 29 rue Berthe, 75018
When it was time to head back, we took the metro from Montmartre to Cité station and found a delicious place for dinner at Sorza Restaurant, 51 rue Saint-Louis en l’ile, 75004.

Finally, we capped off our fabulous day with ice cream from Berthillon glaces and sorbets de la maison, 29-31 rue Saint-Louis en l’ile, 75004.